Ficus Tree Arizona – The Best Shade Tree For Arizona

Ficus tree Arizona can be seen from downtown Pheonix to outlying suburbs. This evergreen tree is known for its ability to create deep shade, which is the reason why it is the number 1 selling tree at many nurseries. In addition, the tree looks great in almost any landscape and can withstand the harsh conditions of the desert. 

Keep reading to learn more about the Arizona ficus tree, its characteristics, maintenance requirements, and what it can bring to your landscape!

Ficus Tree Arizona – Facts and Requirements 

Environment Conditions 

Ficus tree Arizona is widely used as an indoor plant, too. It doesn’t tolerate cold weather and can’t survive under temperatures of 60 degrees, making it ideal for the desert environment in Arizona. The tree prefers consistent temperatures without too many fluctuations, which is another reason why it is ideal for the area. 

To let this attractive tree thrive you need to provide a lot of direct sunlight. In addition, high air humidity is also preferred if possible. In general, the Arizona ficus tree is tolerant of low air humidity due to its leathery leaves, but bear in mind that it won’t reach its full potential in that environment. 

The tree is perfectly capable to withstand occasional drought and even over-irrigation. Water the plant more while it is young, but you don’t have to do it once the tree is established. Make sure that you do it with room temperature water, but also that it is not very hardy. Increase the irrigation during summer, but be careful not to overdo it since too much water can cause unwanted fungi infections, according to tree services Arizona


It is very important to feed the plant every two weeks during summer and every four weeks during winter. Usually, owners use either liquid or hard organic fertilizer. 

Additionally, you have to regularly prune the tree in order to maintain its ideal form. Cut two for every six to eight leaves that show. If you want a thick trunk, make sure you let the tree grow for about a year or two. Strong cuts that are necessary after this period won’t affect the tree’s health and new parts will show without any problems. Use a protection layer for big wounds. 

The branches are very flexible so you can easily bend the thinner ones using wire. Just make sure you regularly check them since the wires can easily cut in the bark. If you ever think about planting your ficus tree in a different spot, make sure you do it during spring and use the new mixture of the substrate. 

Use a plant cutting if you need new plants. You can do it at any time of the year, but the cuttings taken during the summer will give the best results. In addition, the Arizona ficus tree will also easily reproduce by seeds in summer. 

One of the most interesting characteristics of this tree is that it can combine parts of itself that are touching under the pressure. This means that its roots and trunks can merge into attractive structures by your will. For example, you can use this technique to merge multiple young plants and create one single, thick, strong trunk. 

Grafting is also one of the techniques that are used often for reproduction. If the growing environment is ideal, the roots from one tree can be grafted in a different position. Use parts of a tree and graft them to big wounds on young plants in order to make the healing process faster. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to shaping and making your tree more attractive. 

Pests and Diseases 

Ficus trees are usually not susceptible to pests in general. They do have a few problems during winter due to the lack of direct sunlight and dry air. However, the unique climate in Arizona makes it easier for them to thrive even during the winter. Still, some foliage loss can happen even in this state. In addition, you may notice spiders and other insects in these conditions. If so, make sure you use an insecticide that’s applied in layers. 

It is important to mention that ficus trees usually don’t have problems with diseases either. Sometimes, if they lack water or if there’s too much wind, the tree can have brittle leaves that are falling off. However, this is a problem that can be dealt with easily.

Another common problem that occurs is yellow leaves that eventually fall off. This happens due to poor drainage or too much watering. Consult with your local tree service Arizona if you have any questions regarding diseases and pests. 


Q: How much water does a ficus tree need in Arizona?

A: Water the tree every 3-4 days until it establishes its roots in Arizona. Once the tree has an established root system, you can continue to water it only when the leaves look limp. This will happen at least once a week during the hotter season in Arizona. 

Q: Do ficus trees have invasive roots?

A: Ficus trees in Arizona do have an invasive root system. Planting the tree without any guidance can damage the streets, curbs, driveways, and even damage the underground drains and utilities. Make sure you consult with your local arborist to pick the perfect planting spot. 

Q: How fast do ficus trees grow?

A: Ficus trees are considered to be fast-growers in Arizona. The exact growth rate will differ from site to site, but most of them will probably grow to 25 feet in about 10 years in the optimal environment. Of course, it all depends on your planting needs and how you take care of the tree. 

Local Tree Services Overview

Ficus tree Arizona is an easy tree to grow and is very suitable even for beginner gardeners. It offers a different look from every angle, and more importantly, a deep and big shade. Consult with your local arborist about the maintenance, requirements, and pruning needs of your newly planted ficus tree!

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