5 Lewisville Tree Diseases And Pests

While tree serve great for aesthetic purposes, landscaping, and energy-saving, they do require proper maintenance and care to thrive naturally in their surroundings. It may not be the lack of proper care that causes Lewisville tree pests to destroy trees, but when we ignore and overlook the symptoms. Lewisville tree diseases and maintenance are quite similar to the rest of the country. However, some of these are more common in this area. 

Keep reading to find out more about tree diseases and pests in Lewisville!

Lewisville Tree Pests and Diseases that Destroy Trees

1. Hypoxylon Canker 

The hypoxylon canker affects many different types of native trees in the area. Oak, elm, sycamore, and pecan are the most susceptible to this disease. It kills a tree in a very short time, and it can’t be cured in most cases. It’s characterized by the branch dieback, they are usually leafless and dead. However, contact a local tree service Lewisville to see if anything can be done. 

2. Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is one of the most common diseases affecting oak trees in Lewisville, but also across the whole of Texas. It can develop in almost any type of oak, but some are more susceptible, some less. Mexican, Bur, Chinquapin, and White oaks are more resistant than others, so you can opt for some of these if you’re thinking about planting oak. 

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3. Fire Blight

Fire blight is one of the more unique Lewisville tree diseases. It is a bacterial disease usually affecting only fruit trees. Pear and apple trees are specifically susceptible to it, and fast response to the disease is required for the tree to survive. Affected trees have black blooms and foliage and the blackening happens at a rapid pace.

4. Bacterial Leaf Scorch

The bacterial leaf scorch spreads via insects that carry the bacteria causing the disease. Leafhoppers are very common transmitters, meaning that fast response is absolutely necessary to stop spreading the disease to surrounding trees. Affected trees have the flow of water between the leaves and roots choked, resulting in weakness and stress. Trees like sycamores, boxelders, oaks, and elms are more susceptible to the disease. Tree services Texas recommend contacting a professional as soon as you notice the first symptoms since the disease can kill a tree in just a couple of weeks. 

5. Pests

We have categorized pests and insects into broader categories for you, so check them out below. 

  • Suckers – Small insects, usually seen on the twigs and leaves of the tree. They leave a sooty mold and dew under it.
  • Stipplers – Spider mites and lace bugs are common types of stipplers. They eat leaves, damaging them, and causing them to fall. 
  • Chewers The first sign of chewers is the missing leaf tissues. Tent caterpillars, fall webworms, and juniper bed worms are common chewer types in the area. 
  • Borers – These make bore holes into the trunk of your trees, which is where the name originates from. This impacts the overall health of the tree. 
  • Gall Makers – Gall makers make abnormal balls or bumps of twigs and leaves all over the tree. The oak apple gall and hackberry nipple gall are the most common gall makers.

Related Post: Texas Tree Bugs

Local Tree Experts Overview

Hopefully, this article will help you better understand Lewisville tree pests and diseases. Most of these on the list can cause a lot of damage to your trees, so make sure to contact your local arborist if you notice any symptoms. However, you can try removing some of them if the infestation is still at the beginning. 

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