5 Pearland Tree Pests And Diseases

Problems with tree diseases and pests are best managed with an integrated approach. Usually, there are multiple factors negatively affecting the health of your trees. Misdiagnosis can lead to harmful treatment, so it is always recommended to consult with your local arborist if you notice symptoms of Pearland tree pests. Sometimes, a tree is infected with an incurable disease or pest, so complete removal is inevitable. 

Read on to learn more about Pearland tree diseases and pests and what preventative measures you can take to stop them from destroying your trees! 

Common Pearland Tree Pests and Diseases

1. Pine Bark Beetles

Pine bark beetles are very common Pearland tree pests. This tiny beetle will swarm pine trees in surprising numbers – a beetle colony can go from one to thousands in just a week or two. They are capable of smelling stressed Pine trees from miles away. Wounds, trunks, and stumps that remain from tree removals eject resin that these small beetles are attracted to. They are able to constantly attack the trees once they enter your yard until you completely eliminate them. 

Search for tiny holes on the trunk of your trees and check the needles on your tree regularly. They usually enter the tree through the bark of the trunk. Once they are inside the tree, they will start laying eggs inside the vascular tissue. This will disrupt the nutrient flow from the root system to the tree’s canopy. The canopy will begin to decline when the vascular tissue stops functioning completely, and the tree will die quickly after. 

2. Borers

Tree borers are a group of insects that use trees to lay their eggs inside the living tissue. Similarly to bark beetles, you should look for tiny holes they make in trunks, stems, and branches. Affected parts of a tree will slowly weaken since their chewing will damage vital transport tissues. In some cases, they will girdle the weak branches to the point of breaking even under no pressure. 

If adults are already present and they started laying eggs, treatment for tree borers can be very difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a tree service Pearland if you notice some of the symptoms. In some cases, a tree will have to be completely removed to protect other trees in the area. Prevention is the key to protecting borers from destroying your trees, so be encouraged to do everything you can to provide ideal conditions for your trees.

3. Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is probably the most common among the Pearland tree diseases. It is caused by a fungus and it attacks all types of oaks. However, white and bur oaks are less susceptible than the red oak group. Trees in the red oak group usually die very fast, often within just a few weeks after infection. Trees in the white oak group usually don’t have a lot of symptoms, but they do show branch dieback for years before they collapse. 

A common symptom of oak wilt is a complete leaf drop by midsummer. They start changing colors and looking gray. In addition, profuse suckering at the base of the tree and curling, stiff leaves are also common symptoms. 

4. Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is another one of the fungal Pearland tree diseases. It is prevalent in dry, warm weather, so it is not strange that it is common in our area. Usually, it is usually not that hard to recognize the symptoms on trees and plants. Even though the disease is rarely fatal, the symptoms are very unattractive.  Keep in mind that some species are more susceptible to others, but in most cases, powdery mildew can be treated.

Repetitive infections can stress the tree enough to cause weakening. In addition, constat stress will make it easier for other diseases and pests to attack the tree. Thus, tree services Texas recommend hiring your local arborist if you notice symptoms of powdery mildew to treat the disease with ease. 

5. Phytophthora Root Rot

Phytophthora root rot is a fungal disease caused by a pathogen able to destroy the tree if the soil is too wet. The pathogen causes stem rot, seed rots, and post-emergence damping-off of seedlings at various growth stages. High soil temperatures are perfect for the pathogen, therefore trees in Pearland are at high risk. 

Rapid yellowing and wilting are common symptoms in young plants. Besides, the collapse of the rot or a soft rot is possible if the condition is left untreated.

Local Tree Experts Overview

Pearland tree pests and diseases aren’t always fatal or even harmful to trees. However, stressed and old trees are susceptible to certain conditions and insects that are able to destroy a tree in just a few weeks. In some cases, a tree needs to be removed completely if treatment can’t help.

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