How To Properly Fertilize Trees In Keller

Tree fertilization is important to maintain trees in a  vigorous condition and to increase their resistance to injury from different pests and diseases. However, fertilizing trees is only recommended if soil tests indicate a deficiency. This is why you always need professional tree services Texas to determine whether it is time to add any soil nutrient. Read on to find out how to properly fertilize trees in Keller!

Tree Fertilization – How to do it Properly?

1. Choose a Fertilizer

Selecting the right fertilizer bag can feel a little intimidating since fertilizer mixtures are plentiful. Make sure to consult with a tree service Keller to test your soil before you choose your fertilizer. Phospohrus and potassium content should stay low to avoid adding too much of these to the soil. Usually, the reason to add fertilizer is low nitrogen. If that’s your case, use a slow-release fertilizer. 

2. Measure the Branch Spread

You will need to distribute the fertilizer as far as the roots go to properly fertilize the tree. You can do the measurements by measuring the branch spread. Use a tape measure and start at the end of a branch on 1 side of the tree. Measure all the way to tips of the furthest branches on the opposite end. 

3. Dig Evenly-Spaced Holes

Sometimes, fertilizer won’t trickle down to the roots if your soil is very compacted. By digging a few holes, fertilizing trees directly will be much easier and healthier. The wholes should be about 1 inch in diameter and up to 12 inches deep. Space them about 2 feet apart so they don’t cross each other. Dig the wholes in concentric circles around the tree until you pass the tree’s branches. Be careful when digging to avoid damaging the roots. 

4. Spread the Fertilizer

Once everything is ready, multiply the diameter by 1.5 to determine the fertilizer distribution you need to apply. Keep in mind that you want to cover all of the roots, so adding a bit more won’t hurt the tree. Rake the fertilizer smooth after scattering it over the area. Even if you spread the fertilizer up to 2 times further than the tree can reach, you can be sure that the tree will still be fertilizer properly. Don’t forget to fill the wholes with the fertilizer. 

5. Organic Compost and Watering

Pine bark is a great organic compost because it adds potassium, calcium, and other important nutrients to the soil. After adding a layer of compost, use a hose to water the tree near the trunk. Let the water flow to drip into the soil for about 3 hours before removing it. 

Local Tree Experts Overview

Tree fertilization is pretty straightforward. However, you will probably need professional help to determine the type of fertilizer you need if your soil wasn’t previously tested. Once you choose your fertilizer, you just need to measure the root area and properly apply the fertilizer. Use water at the end to allow roots soak in the fertilizer easier.

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